CIBE S.r.l. is committed to the following objectives:

- provide testing, calibration and periodic verification services in compliance with current national and EU standards and regulations (ACCREDIA, EA, ILAC, UNIONCAMERE), and with the requests of Accreditation Bodies and Customers;

- seek the cost-effectiveness of the service offered, improving test and calibration methods wherever possible, using suitable equipment, increasing automation, while maintaining (or improving) the standards of technical correctness;

- market products (weights and accessories) that meet the requirements of current national and EU regulations and the requests and requirements of Customers

- provide training and consultancy activities in the field of technical and legal metrology in the weighing sector, constantly updated with developments in technical regulations and/or legislation in force;

- increase the number of customers and seek their satisfaction and loyalty.

The level of the testing, calibration and periodic verification service offered to Customers is the one reported in the accreditation tables/recognition documents and is achieved, maintained and improved thanks to the definition of the metrological chains, staff training and internal experimental comparisons and with other laboratories.

In order to achieve the above objectives it is considered necessary to:

- guarantee testing, calibration and periodic verification services that meet the requirements of current standards and regulations (ACCREDIA, EA, ILAC, UNIONCAMERE), national and international, as well as all applicable requirements of the parties concerned

- maintain the highest degree of impartiality by eliminating or minimising all possible risks of impartiality

- comply with the commitments made by granting ACCREDIA accreditation and certification

- comply with the commitments made with UNIONCAMERE following the presentation of the SCIA for the periodic verification activity

- guarantee the reliability of measurements by means of equipment purchased from qualified suppliers and trained personnel

- provide sufficient resources (staff and equipment) to achieve and maintain good professional practice and the quality of the testing and calibration services offered

- seek staff competence through training, education and personal growth

- understand the needs of the market using feedback from customers or opportunities for comparison such as congresses and exhibitions

- use a systematic approach to risk assessment and opportunities related to the established processes

- provide testing and calibration services and develop technically sound test or calibration methods that meet market demand

- ensure clarity to customers by improving internal and external information flow

- engage in continuous improvement of the quality management system and its effectiveness

- maintain the Quality Management System in compliance with ISO/IEC 17025:2017 and UNI EN ISO 9001:2015

- implement, together with the whole staff, the quality policy and technical/management procedures of the laboratory

- keep staff updated on quality management system documentation

- carry out, through management meetings, systematic reviews of the overall performance of the quality system and its objectives.

    To download the following document in pdf format click here:

  • Quality policy

PPQ REV.00 2019-10-10