The company

For over 30 years, the CIBE metrology laboratory has specialised in offering testing, calibration and certification services for weights and weighing instruments, and has become a true point of reference in the field of metrology (technical and legal) in Italy and Europe.
CIBE Metrology Laboratory is accredited by ACCREDIA for calibration and periodic verification of:

    • weights

    • non-automatic weighing instruments (scales)

    • checkweighers

    For details on the accredited activities and the uncertainties that the laboratory can guarantee, please refer to the following documents:
    Accreditation certificate
    Accreditation table
    For more information about the company: New Company Profile

    ACCREDIA calibration certificates guarantee the traceability of measurements to national and international mass standards, as also required by ISO standards

    The activity of Periodic Verification, compulsory for instruments for metric-legal use, is regulated by Ministerial Decree no. 93 of 21 April 2017.

CIBE S.r.l.
Via Picasso, 18/20
20025 Legnano (MI)
CCIAA di Milano n . 01401400138
Cap. 100.000,00 i.v.
PIVA 01465180121