Additional information


In the world, accreditation is carried out on the basis of the international standard ISO/IEC 17011. Within the European Union, European Regulation 765/2008 provides that each member state shall appoint its own national Single Accreditation Body and has conferred for the first time on this activity a legal status, recognising it as an expression of public authority.

In Italy, the Single Accreditation Body designated by the government is Accredia.

Accreditation as a LAT centre (Accredited Calibration Laboratory) is the certification, by Accredia, of the competence, independence and impartiality of the calibration laboratory and gives value and reliability to the calibration certificates issued on the market.

Accreditation in general promotes the development of the entire economic and social system and supports the competitiveness of companies also in international markets. It is an activity of social importance, also carried out in the public interest, to safeguard fundamental values such as consumer health and environmental protection.

For further information please refer to the ACCREDIA website:


CIBE laboratory, within the scope of the calibration activities covered by its accreditation and in compliance with the prescriptions contained in the Technical Circular DT No. 01/2018 of ACCREDIA, communicates to the latter the following data:

  • Calibrated object

  • Manufacturer

  • Model

  • Serial number

  • Company name of the recipient of the calibration certificate

  • Province (or State in the case of foreign recipients)


CIBE laboratory, as part of the periodic verification activities (metrological controls) covered by its accreditation and in accordance with the provisions of art. 13, paragraph 1 of Ministerial Decree no.93 of 21 April 2017, communicates electronically to UNIONCAMERE and the competent CCIAA territorially, through the information system of the chambers of commerce dedicated to legal metrology, the following data:

  • name, address and VAT number, if any, of the owner of the instrument;

  • address where the instrument is in service, where different from the previous;

  • identification code of the point of withdrawal or redelivery, as appropriate and where applicable;

  • type of instrument;

  • Brand, instrument model and class, if applicable;

  • Instrument serial number;

  • specification of any temporary use of the instrument;

  • date of repair, if applicable, and verification;

  • outcome of the verification and, if positive, the expiry date;

  • anomalies found if the verification was unsuccessful;

  • name of the repairers and verifiers involved.
Note:The customer is also informed of confidential information that is disclosed to public bodies if, for any reason other than those stated above, the laboratory is obliged by law or authorised by contractual agreement to disclose such information, except where prohibited by law.


In the case of weights which are, at visual inspection or declared by the customer, manufactured according to OIML R 111, the laboratory shall issue in the calibration certificate a declaration of conformity limited to the respect of tolerances, unless the customer informs the laboratory that he does not require this declaration of conformity.

As required by the document OIML R 111 § 5.2, the expanded calibration uncertainty can be at most equal to 1/3 of the tolerance of the weight; otherwise the verification of conformity is not carried out and therefore no declaration of conformity is reported on the calibration certificate.

However, the expanded calibration uncertainty shall not be less than that indicated in CIBE accreditation table.

The declaration of conformity is expressed, in the table showing the measurement data and the reference class, with 'C' for 'compliant' and 'NC' for 'non-compliant'.

The Certificate also contains the sentence: "Compliance with the accuracy class, limited to the conventional mass value, according to the requirements of International Recommendation OIML R 111:2004, Chapter 5, point 5.3.1".
The decision rule adopted is as follows: the deviation between the conventional value (mc) and the nominal value (mn) of the measurand is equal to or less than the permitted tolerance (δ) minus the expanded calibration uncertainty U; in formula:
| mc - mn | ≤ (δm - U)

The rule is therefore a binary rule with a guard band having an amplitude of U. For this rule, the probability of a measurement being declared incorrectly compliant is not more than 2.5% (see document ILAC-G8:09/2019 § 5.2).

Other decisional rules may be applied to specific written requests from the customer; in this case, the level of risk associated with them will be determined on the basis of the requested rule.