

The complaints management process is an important tool used by CIBE and is aimed at the protection and at the satisfaction of Customers. The complaint is aimed at communicating Customer's dissatisfaction with a service provided or a product marketed by CIBE.
In compliance with the requirements of ISO/IEC 17025:2017 and ACCREDIA, CIBE manages complaints from the market on the basis of a specific procedure; it is called "Complaints management and customer satisfaction monitoring".
For any reports and/or complaints about our services or products, Customers can:

a. Call the telephone number +39 0331-466611
b. Submit a written complaint using the following link:
c. Send a written complaint to the address of the office located in Via Picasso 18/20 – 20025 Legnano (MI)

The handling of complaints received in ways other than those indicated above is not guaranteed.

CIBE undertakes to provide the Customer with a first written reply within 5 working days from the receipt of the complaint and the communication of the closure of the complaint within 15 working days from the date of the above mentioned communication; in the event that the actions necessary for the closure of the complaint require more than 15 working days, CIBE shall inform the Customer of the expected time schedule.
CIBE guarantees the protection of the personal data of all persons using the complaints service, in accordance with the provisions of its regulation on CONFIDENTIALITY.